Saturday, 29 September 2012

Tough Mudder is coming to the North West of England.

Team Konkura are planning to enter the Tough Mudder event being held at Cholmondeley Estates in Cheshire on Saturday and Sunday the 17-18th November 2012. Given we push ourselves to the limit in a whole range of strength, stamina and skill based Konkura challenges, we will be fully ready for anything the Tough Mudder course has up its sleeves! One thing is for sure, we won’t be going there to make up the numbers, we are there to win!
For those of you who are not familiar with the Tough Mudder events I will give a quick description of what these fantastic races involve. Each Tough Mudder is a 12 mile long obstacle course designed by the Special Forces to test competitors all around stamina, strength and mental grit. It also invokes camaraderie along with the fun which is generated through awards such as ‘the best costume’, ‘the worst costume’, ‘least clothing worn’ and ‘mostly likely to have been in the Village People’!
For the hardcore element you can have the Tough Mudder logo tattooed on you at the end of the race and there are free head shaves being handed out!
Whilst the Tough Mudder events give no monetary prizes, the top 5 percent of all finishers qualify for the World’s Toughest Mudder.
To top the day off there is a mega after-race party which all competitors are invited to.
It goes without saying that Team Konkura love a challenge, and Tough Mudder is right up our street. We hope our fellow Konkura athletes will take up the gauntlet and join us! 
If you also competing in an upcoming Tough Mudder race, why not try out the Tough Mudder Training Challenges to help you get in tip-top shape for whatever the race throws at you!!

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